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Nurture it and they will come

Ok there is a common misconception that if you “build it, they will come!” Maybe that worked years ago. But in this day and age you must nurture it. People want consistency, relatability and visibility. They want something that they can depend on for whatever fix it is you provide.

If it’s your email list, make sure you are staying in contact. Keep your list up to date on changes in your company. Let them know when you are launching a new product, when you are running a special etc. Make them feel like your VIP’s. Creating a special network and an environment that fosters communication will keep them coming back. Use surveys to increase engagement and gather opinions to keep you on target when providing content.

In Social Media it is important that you provide content that will keep your audience interested. Remember 80% usefulness and 20% selling. Don’t over sell your followers they will leave you if they feel like they are visiting a used car lot. Attract them with motivation, news, helpful tips for your industry and overall entertainment. But stay consistent in your brand. Don’t veer too far off of who you are and what you stand for.

In closing just remember the “build it and they will come” mantra will not suffice in effective marketing. You will need to continue to nurture your audience.

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