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Grow Your List with Contests

Contests, Contests, Contests. Ok so who doesn't love a little competition. Well here's the thing people compete for a purpose. So when running a social media contest, be it hashtag, like and follow, share, comment etc. Find our what your end goal is. What is it that you want the audience to gather from your contest is it just for you to gain exposure?

Exposure is great but again make it meaningful to you and to your participants. Set up significant avenues where you can capture your engagers, i.e. landing pages, email signups. It isn't just as simple as "hey i'm having a contest, you should participate" You want the contest to mean something to the person participating and to your company. Set it up so you can grow your lead base, grow your email list, capture who your target market is etc. Allow your engagers to participate in the contest in a way they feel helpful too.

What's the outcome for them? Will they be able to give you that opinion they have been holding in, are they going to be featured if they win, will your product help someone, will it help them. Does the prize entice them to want to join. Happy #marketingmonday I hope this helps you. Keep Hustling.

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