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To Refresh or Not to Refresh

As a small business it is oftern hardd to determine when is the right time to refresh your brand. Refreshing your brand can be costly and very time consuming. Before you do a brand overhaul in 2015 make sure you have taken a good look at how you are doing in the market currently. In addition anayze your reasons why. Is it to grab additional attention, laser focus in your target market or are you just falling short of engagement and conversions?

Here are five reasons why it may be time to refresh you brand;

The Market has Grown, But sadly you are flat

Analyxe your market is it growing consistently? Is your share of the market increases as the market increases? If not it may time to take a look at your brand and what story it's telling. Additionally take a look at trends, changes and positives in the market. Your brand may have worked previously but as the market grows and expands changes will need to be made to keep up with the demand of the customer.

Trust is Everything

Do your customers trust you? Ensuring confidence in the market is important and if you are experiencing a lack of trust between your brand and your target market then you are at a loss. When you refresh your brand do so to build confidence and trust with your customer. Remember people buy from people they like and brands they trust.

Falling Flat?

This is a common thing that happens with brands. You set out with a wonderful idea, product, service but after launch it seems things have fallen flat. You need to keep your customer's engaged and excited about your brand. So take a look at your website, logo, value statement and more and makre sure they communicate the exctiement you feel and want them to experience when they interact with your brand.

You get what you pay for?

As a small business our inclination sometimes is to pinch pennies. Budgeting smart is important but when it comes to Branding be sure to invest in Marketing and PR to makre sure your Brand Vision is communicated appropiately. I promise it will save you money in the long run.

As always keep visiting our blog for more tips and additonally makre sure you follow us on Facebook (ProSync Consulting), Twitter (@ProSyncInfo), and IG (prosyncconsulting).

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