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Know Your Worth

How many times have you given a discount on a service or product? How often do you take on a task and then say “that wasn’t worth my time.” Well, do you know your worth??? Not your hourly rate but your worth. How much is an hour of your time actually worth. Knowing this number will allow you to filter out tasks and clients that won’t be worth your time and effort. After all you opened up a business to make money in addition to your purpose.

If you haven’t already let’s figure out your worth today!!!! Here’s the secret formula.

Amount you want to make/Year

52 Weeks

#days you want to work per week

# hours you want to work per day



Example: $140,000/52weeks/5days/6hrs = $89.74/ hour

The next time you have been requested for a task/ client or more keep this number in mind and ask yourself is it worth that number!!! Be sure to visit and sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook (ProSync Consulting), IG (prosyncconsulting), and twitter (@ProSyncInfo)!!!

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