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Know Your Market

How you can get business if you don’t know who you are selling to? The simplest way to explain this is not knowing your target market is like a teacher explaining multiplication to a kindergartner. Probably not the right audience. This step will be the layer on top of the foundation you built when deciding what produc or service your business would specialize in.

Knowing your audience will allow you to formulate your message, and your brand. This will give you insight into all the strategic things you need to do to execute each other step. This is the part of the process where you will need to be completely free of clutter to focus. You need to laser focus in who they are, what they want, why you fit that need, where they shop, what they watch on tv etc. Stalk your target market. Research your target market, survey your target market. When honing in on your target market it is going to be super important that you go back constantly to Step 1. Knowing what you sell will help you push you forward into all of the next steps.

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